We were told that my car needed the engine re-built....so we decided to just replace the car since we're still making payments. Soooo....I got a NEW car!! Yay! I can't tell you how wonderful a 10 year warranty makes me feel!
Our house "flooded" again. Basically we had water seeping in through the south wall of our house. I guess that's one of the dangers of living in a basement.....We didn't lose anything, no one was hurt, but what a pain! See the bedroom that had water in it is actually our storage room, so there was a ton of stuff to move and dry underneath.
Let's see....what else....lots of work. OH!....the exciting news....We are going on vacation!!! A real, honest to goodness vacation! Our first since our honeymoon, 7 years ago. We are going to the Outer Banks, for a whole week. I can feel the tension start to disolve every time I look at this picture
This is the view from the backyard of the rental house....how wonderful will that be?!?! I can't wait to watch the sunset over the sound!
I will hopefully have some more interesting things to share soon. Oh, did I mention that this year I'm going to be an aunty again? If I didn't I should have. My sister is expecting another boy in June, and Brad's brother is expecting their first baby in August...we actually find out today if we're having a niece or nephew. I also have a cousin expecting this fall.....so there should be baby crafts to show off!