Saturday, September 25, 2010

3 years....already

I can't believe it's been 3 years since my last post! So much has changed, or maybe everything has changed so much we've come full circle to where we were....Brad has worked everywhere from Iowa to Alabama and finally is back in Indiana. The dogs are both doing great, over 70 lbs each and still playing and wrestling all over the house. We are still trying to have children, but that's a long story probably best left for another day. The sheep, singular now, is in need of a new home or a barn-mate. We have newly born kittens, but they are the grandkittens of one that was new born at my last post. Strangely enough, Brad altered the bar, but we are getting ready to change it again....funny how life works.

I'm going to try to keep things more up to date from here on. We have internet on the farm now. We just became high tech since they decided to offer something other than dialup out here. YAY!!! It's so nice to be part of the 21st century.